mercredi 11 octobre 2017

Inktober: Silver Surfer and Galactus in all Virtual Reality glory !(360 degree illustration)

Inktober #10 has for theme... gigantic.
Well, let me tell you something, I've wanted to do Galactus in a 360 degree drawing for AGES. So, guess what? I did it! A four hour work and one of my dream comes true: I can know spend time with my virtual galactus. How I wish he could speak!

Here's a little Work In Progress of the damn thing:

Here's the final art:

And via Kuula, you can discover the drawing as a Virtual Reality drawing.
It's a 360 illustration, you need to click on the image to explore everything around. You can also put a VR headset on when seeing this pic on Kuula:

Hope you like it!

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J'aime les chips. Et toi. Hein?! Et toi?